Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Energizer, energizer, I'm an Ener-Ener-gizer

I've recently become aware that I'm marginally hyperactive in the evening. I can't seem to sit still.

Before you start thinking this has to do with me weaning myslef off the cigarettes, I know I've been doing this for years. I'm a consumate faffer too, but that accounts for me often leaving for a destination at the time I was supposed to arrive, which is another story all in itself.

This all revolves around what I do when I get home in the evening after gym. I feel compelled to keep moving: double check status of dogs food, unpack gym bag, re-pack gym bag, empty unfinished water in water bottles, refill and refrigerate water bottles for tomorrow, get supper going, unpack dishwasher, remove clothes from tumble dryer, get supper going, respond in the negative to CV's offers of assistance, organise clothes for work tomorrow, return to supper preparation, start packing dishwasher with new load, get eggs out the fridge and measure out cereal for breakfast in the morning, prep coffee machine, top up water jug, start measuring out meal replacement shakes and lunch snacks for the next day, consider watering plants, forget to actually water them, pet the pets, re-check the oven to see of the veggies are roasted yet, read a little (standing at the kitchen counter), get table ready for dinner and so on.

And then as suppers ready, I consider if we want/need to drink water, juice or wine (wine is actually CV's speciality, but I'm claiming it for this post), then sit down and realise there's no condiments and napkins on the table, get up again and dash to the kitchen to get missing bits, and eventually sit down to eat. All the while CV's been sitting at the dinner table (after the food is ready of course) waiting for me to sit down so we can eat. But, by the time I've finally settled down at the table both mine and CV's plates of dinner are luke warm to cool.

Dinner is always an enjoyable mix of discussion and comment on whatever's been on in the day and we relish it. Meals are something I tend to take my time on, unless rediculously ravenous.

But then, once we've eaten, I'm off again: divide up tomorrow's lunch portions into respective tupperwares, get into my jammies, faff with some thing else in the studio, bedroom or kitchen. And once all bases that I can recall are covered, I will settle. And then it's not long till I'm battling to keep one eye open and not fall off the couch.

Now after working a full day and then still having to get through some basics on the home front obviously entails that most of the above list has to be done. It's just the seemingly manic pace that I've been getting to it that's recently struck me. I think it may look like I'm an Energizer Bunny on speed to CV.

I don't know if it's a problem per se - it's just an observation that I'm now aware of.

May be it's my 'systematic' aproach to things running slightly amok, cause I'm trying to attend to three or four activity streams at once, or may be it's an innate fear of falling asleep before I've got myself ready for the next day. (In the morning, I'm a fumbling clutz and I can loose minutes walking around in circles, achieving absolutely nothing.)

Either way - it's a part of me I've only recently become aware of and as a detail person, becoming aware of a thing means I must make an effort to understand how it works. Not that this really needs figuring out I guess - or maybe it does?

Hmm, I think I'm starting to get myself into a analyzes this situation over nothing, let me get back to work.

Ciao 4 NOw


  1. um, can i come and live with you? then i can lie on the couch with remote in hand, knowing that everything will be sorted...

  2. bwa-ha-ha!!!

    How's about I let you know when CV's done with me (which is not anytime soon) - and we can negotiate.

  3. Good Grief Frank - your're a human Duracell Bunny!! I don't do all that in, like a week! If you ever get cloned tho, i want a piece of you - bring that static green dustery thing with you too!!! Caio! L

  4. lol - Ramblers adopted the static green things - I don't dust..

    We'll have to start a TV series where we go and clean the houses of our blog buddies

  5. Well, at least there is something you don't do! A good team then, you two! LOL. Caio! L

  6. With a title like that, it's pretty obvious CV has moved in, with his complete Britney collection! x

  7. hehehe... indeed Shiny, indeed...

    and babe I love sitting back while you cook, clean, weed, drill, hammer and iron... belieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve me..

    as long as you leave the dusting for me...
