Friday, April 24, 2009

Crosses everywhere

Electioned out?? A lot of people made huge efforts to make sure we could reach this day. I just hope any saffers who had the opportunity to vote did not squander the opportunity.

I voted (only once alas) on Wednesday. I didn't notice that my ID wasn't stamped till I actually looked!

Considering this. They didn't stamp my ID book. If the infernal ink had come off my finger (my fingernail was sparklingly clear 10 minutes after voting) I would have tried again at another station - and they would have been none the wiser. Did anyone consider that?? Did anyone do that??

I have a few suggestions for the IEC - but my biggest would be that they should have the procedures and rules on posters in the voting stations.

Talking about rules, I was also a little perturbed by the PARTY table so close to the voting station. And no, they weren't stocking voters up with streamers, those tooty things or asking us to blow out random number of candles whilst making wishes (although in retrospect that seems like a darn good idea now). This was a political party pitching up a table to "assist voters with queries" about 5 metres from the door of the voting station?!?!

The SAPS didn't seem to know if a POLITICAL PARTY could do that: "It's up to the presiding officer" I was told. Hmmm not that kosher me thinks. There were very clear rules for '94, but I don't know if they changed. So, I got no further than my query to the cops..

Anyway - I made my mark - the Anti Nuptial Contracts have done it again - and good for them. A reporter for the Washington Post called into 702 on Thursday to comment that new nations often go through water-shed transitions (some for the better some for the worse) in the 18 - 23 yr post Independence elections. That means next elections will be even more important than this one - assuming our Constitution is still in tact. I'm 95% confident it will be... lets hope the other 5% of my gut concern is completely wrong. There are some very good arguments as to why they won't play with the constitution - my cynical side says you can't keep a gravy train running with out all the foreign investment 'fuels'.

OK - so that's election's covered. I didn't mean to be so negative, but I think we (or any other for that matter) will always be a nation at risk when one party holds the constitutional majority.

Moving on... As those of you following Rambler will know, he recently added that sleek black and beautiful HD ready, LCD TV to the lounge. However, CV loves to watch telly in bed. Until the other day that was restricted to DVD's, 'cause the TV reception was appalling.

In our mountain-bike-shopping-expedition-gone-awry the fitness freak (me apparently) became softened by the lure of new gadgets (not entirely untrue). In the ensuing technology daze, I was determined to up the ante and add a remote blaster into the mix to remedy the TV-in-the-bedroom situation. These wireless blaster thingies cost a pretty penny and offer the world.

Now, I don't consider myself unskilled in the realm of connecting signal cables, I was a DJ after all and have connected so many sound systems, it's pretty much childs play. But after at least half an hour, I sat dazed, confused and somewhat frustrated before boldly declaring this confounded instrument did not have the correct cabling to split the signal to send it out to the bedroom. Removing this huge NO WAY JOSE cross to sending the DSTV signal to the bedroom was now a mission incomplete and had me stewing.

CV said I should take it back to the store and ask them to show ME how to connect the cables. As you can imagine; in my context; that was like a lass asking her beau to stop and ask for directions! BTW - this is not meant to imply gender specific roles between us, it's merely an illustrative example. Incidentally I have no problem asking for directions - but GPS makes that generally unnecessary.

I digress! I partially took that advice. I went go back to the store, having decided I needed 1-to-2 RCA cables. And after much discussion with the shop assistant, who unswayed by my assertions was trying to sell me a signal modulator. In the end, I vigorously demonstrated my genius plan to the guy. He conceded and thanked me for showing him something new, even though he'd lost a sale of R400-00 for a meagre R60-00 solution. I was smiling though.

Triumphant, I returned home and installed the solution, much to CV;s delight I might add! ;0) I did pick up a signal from our neighbours device, but managed to solve that by changing the remote signal pots.

Now, there's crossed signals eliminated and crosses made at the polling booth and we're all the better off for it it seems. YAY! Happy Friday everyone! Series channel forever!


  1. apparently, if you voted in any place other than the one you were registered in, you had to fill in a form. that gets checked (i'm unsure when) against the voters roll.

    my finger was enthusiastically stained, and i have a huge black mark that even vigorous scrubbing will not remove. ugh!

  2. Procedure schmedure - i wasn't actually goping to try vote again - I'm too honest for that. I was just wondering though..

    None the less - the ink on my skin persists - but now it looks like dirt - ugh!

    And Allie - Yes, Viva Americam Idol, Project Runway and Running in Heels - Viva!!

  3. You clever thing! Next time you're here I shall have you over to sort out my gadgets too. As for voting - woohooo! I could not be prouder of my dirty-looking thumb nail x
