Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tagged and I survived it...

I was tagged by Mel-B the other day. And today, without looking back at the full instructions, so a broken telephone syndrome may apply here...

If you have been tagged in this post you must do the following:
- You have to take a picture of yourself right now - YES, right now. No primping or preening! Just as you are...
- Tell a story with it if there is one (I think I just made that up ;0)
- Post and tag five other people who've not been tagged (to the best of your knoweldge anyway)

SO the story goes - I took a picture as I read the tag and then got a call followerd by someone who come to visit me here in the office (as happens when you're supposed to working) - so I forgot to get back to it.

So, Mel-B, as promised - but terribly delayed, here's my pic of me attempting to look busy at work. I'm afarid it's... not very glamorous hey!? I could have gone out to the greenhouses to make a pretty picture with flowers in the background - but I can't blog from there - and I tend to try and follow instructions verbatim - so at my desk it was!

I tag... hmm, let me see...

Rambler (I'll know if yours is a stock picture and will expose the fraud!! - *evil laugh* hehehe), Allie (since we seem to have gone quiet on each other), Mel-B (common - do it again), Hayley (your 1st tag from me), Pierre and last but not least (someone I've just found over on Ramblers side-bar and I'd like to follow, but can't quite figure out how too) Shiny

Anyway - I have so much good stuff going on at the moment, I should be blogging myself into a stupor, but almost every time I try to blog something happens to my internet connection - so blogging from my desk at work is rapidly becoming a big pain in the *insert appropriate body part* (put that thing away! - I meant figuratively! - LOL)

Oops - sorry 'about that - my sense of humour needs to crawl right back out of that stormdrain soon, before I get meself into trouble...

Fortunately, CV covered the most significant part in his recent blog 'Exhausted'... But reading it a little more closely now, I think I'm lucky I was spluttering enough to make Chitty-Bang-Bang proud with a nasal drip challenging Vic falls for top spot in Africa. It seems I managed to escape any snappiness that might have overcome him with all that hard labour.

I'm usually blessed with a gift for visualy figuring out how to place and pack things into tight spaces to optimise moving vehicles to the max. Moving ones self and freinds often enough will certainly hone that skill. But, that aforementioned cough, nose and perhaps some surplus effects from the preivious nights wine tasting, obviously led to some serious misapplication of my legendary spatial thinking abilities. With the move out of the way though, we've agreed: "NO matter what, we're not moving ever again unless there's a budget for a truck and men (or women) in overalls!"

It was a little more arduos than I had anticipated, but we survived it our relationship fully in tact ;0).

We're a couple of days into co-habitation and it's all going rather well. We've even managed to purge some of our "I just can't bare to let this go" stuff out of the door and into the hands of some grateful soul, although looking at my studio space, I think I have a bit more to get through unless I become a seriously fantastic interior designer (read: stasher of random stuff in ingenious ways).

Both of us have had to have a few changes in rhythm. CV's definately got the most change to deal with being in a new place and all, but one of the consequences of this is a genius manouvre on my part: I forgot my lunch at home today and when your office is out in the sticks, this is a problem.

I made a plan and I survived to tell the story.

Till my next post,


  1. Haven't had time to read this post, Frank but will revisit soon to do that.

    In the meantime, this is just to tell you that you can't rest on your tagging laurels yet, bacause I am tagging you again!

    Its the one-word tag so its quick and fun.
    Pop over to my spot to see the rest

  2. Ooops!
    Now I've read it and I see have one from you too.
    DH has taken my cam away with him on a week's business trip so will have to put it on hold

    Will try not to cheat on the candidness of the pic when the cam comes home

  3. LOL. Finally! Thanks for playing....and for tagging hayley AGAIN!! Cos she is so not listening....

    Me? Again? Seriously? Oh well alrighty then....stay tuned.

    Oh, and our ADSL is playing up viciously so I am posting mainly with 3G which is also pretty unstable....i.r.r.i.t.a.t.i.n.g.

  4. Hello darling boy! You're my first follower! Blush. What fun. As for the tag - I am ever-so-unsophisticated and have no cooking clue as to how to take photos and upload them... It's a secret though, so don't tell anyone. I'm off to write a story on monster mosquitoes though...
