Monday, February 2, 2009

Give unto Caesar what is Caesars

I just completed my tax return and I may even get a rebate this year - whoo hoo! It's not much, but I do take glee in the thought of the Reveiver paying me for a change.

As a political subtext, I often moan or am party to others moaning about the incompetencies of our local and national governments, the corruption and all manner of evils done in the name of politics.

But today - although I do not endorse any of their above mentioned failures, I must (as do we all who earn a salary to pay our way through life) give unto Caesar what's due... and then tell him about it - just to save him the trouble of having to check in too much detail.

Ah well, it's been too long a day to chew over this any more than I have. Good Night ;0)


  1. Nice attitude. Balanced attitude. I still think Caesar is an **%$£ generally. But Ja, we continue to pay our dues.....

  2. I must say, it is one of the few government departments that really do a good job.

  3. But it's what happens once they've disbursed the cash that get my goat..
